Waatea News Update

News from Waatea 603 AM, Urban Maori radio, first with Maori news

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Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Friday, July 25, 2008

Mauri laid for Wairau Hospital

Two traditions have come together in setting the foundation for the Wairua Hospital redevelopment.

The Maori custom of laying the mauri in the form of a stone was integrated with the Pakeha ritual of turning the sod at the Blenheim site.

The site blessing creates spiritual safety for those working on the project.
Joe Puketapu, the chair of Te Hauora o Ngati Rarua, says such ceremonies are a valuable learning opportunity for many Maori in the area, where there are few places to learn the ancient tikanga.

“One of the biggest difficulties we’ve had is the loss of many of our kaumatua kuia, being able to learn from them. While we might have kohanga reo, we don’t have kura kaupapa Maori. Many of the people on our marae today are still learning the reo. Those who sit on our paepae are aged between 35 and 45 and 50,” Mr Puketapu says.

The first stage of construction, including new wards and rehabilitation facilities, should be finished by April.


The developer of Google Maori says the response to the site has been overwhelming.

Potaua Biasiny-Tule of Tangatawhenua.com says postcards and emails from Maori all over the world have streamed in since the service went live on Wednesday.

It took a team of volunteers 16 months to translate the 15-hundred messages needed for the Maori interface to the Internet's most popular search engine, and there's more to be done.

“You can create your own Google group, create a community around a specific discussion, but we’ve noticed a certain part of the groups area has not been translated, so just in the last few days we’ve found more work. We’ve got the main highway and now it’s a matter of going down the streets, the avenues to translate those as well,” Mr Biasiny-Tule says.


Although they are separated from their whenua, Maori across the ditch are celebrating Te Wiki o Te Reo Maori.

Ko ta te korero a Jasmine Pearson mo te hunga Maori e noho ana ki tua o te moana tapokopoko o tawhiti.

Hei ta Jasmine, kua roa nei te noho a etahi Maori ki Ahitereiria, he ahuatanga tenei hei taura here ki te kainga.

Jasmine Pearson is based in Sydney where te reo classes are offered at Parramatta College.


Tai Tokerau MP Hone Harawira is in for a roasting this weekend, as a way to inject some humour before election season gets serious.

He kaupapa whakangahau tenei mo ratou te hunga i tautoko ia Hone, mo ratou ano i whakaparahako i a ia.

The Roast will take place at Waitakere Trust Stadium tomorrow evening.


The head of Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori says the successs of Maori language week suggests New Zealanders are ready for the reo.

Huhana Rokx says there has been a positive response nationwide to promotions aimed at making te reo a part of all New Zealander's lives.

She says people are welcoming the chance to learn a few words.

“I think we have got two main reasons, Maori Television and the coverage of the tangihanga of Te Arikinui on mainstream television. People opened up to the fact that there was this world right underneath their noses they didn’t realise existed, so I think Yeah, the people of New Zealand are ready,” Ms Rokx says.


A trove of plaster sculptures of prominent early 20th century Maori has gone on display at the Adam Gallery in Wellington

The busts in Te Mata, the Ethnologic Portrait were commissioned by the director of the Dominion Museum, Augustus Hamilton, from sculptor Nelson Illingworth.

Curator Roger Blackley says one rangatira, Patara te Tuhi from Tainui, features in the show both in his plaster form and in a painting by Charles Goldie.

He says it was a chance to take another look at the way Maori responded to the European portrait tradition.

“These people who participated, and we had people like Kaohetea te Heuheu, the son of the then paramount chief, Tikitere from Te Arawa, quite prominent people. I think they were participating because they loved the idea of being portrayed for the future, as much for their descendants as for a museum audience or whatever,” Mr Blackley says.

Running alongside Te Mata is a show of contemporary portraits of Maori.

Mangere kuia Mere Knight dies

Maori in south Auckland are mourning the death of a Mangere kuia who did much to build their community.

Mere Knight of Ngati Porou was known for her work in Maori organisations, including a long involvement with the Maori Wardens and in the Maori Anglican church.

She was also skilled in taniko weaving and tukutuku, and her work graces many churches and marae in the city.

June Jackson from the Manukau Urban Maori Authority says her death is a loss to the community.

"She was one of those people that walked the roads and picked up kids an gave them food. She was deeply involved in community activities, an icon of our people in serving the community that she's been a part of for at least 50 years," Mrs Jackson says. 

The editor of a prize-winning book of short stories in te reo Maori wants more support from the New Zealand industry.

Piripi Walker says it took a long time to find a publisher for Te Tu a Te Toka: He Ieretanga no nga Tai e Wha, which won the Maori language prize at the Montana New Zealand book awards.

It was eventually picked up by Toi Maori Aotearoa and Totika Publications, after a lot of rejections.

"The Maori world's got no problem with te reo, but even this book, I've given it to Pakeha colleagues and they drop it back onto the table and you get the comment, 'Oh, is it all in Maori?' The publishers are well aware of the fact it's difficult to get them going off the shelves, and to cut a long story short, it was very difficult to find a publisher," Mr Walker says.

Lack of publisher support will be a barrier to getting longer works published in te reo Maori.

A Maori health worker believes Maori were not informed properly about the meningitis vaccine when they chose to get their children immunised against the disease.

Hei ta tetahi Kuia o te ao hauora Maori, kua riro kia noho pohehe kee te hunga Maori mo te roa e arai ana o ratou tamariki ki te mate kiriuhi ua kakaa.

Hei ta Moe, me uhia takohanga ki runga i te Manatu Hauora.


A former Moriori board member says plans to sell off the tribe's deepwater fishing quota don't make economic sense.

Hokotehi Moriori Trust Board is asking its beneficiaries to approve what would be the first sell-off of assets received under the Maori fisheries settlement.

Its deputy chair, Maui Solomon, says there's no long term future in deepwater fishing, and the board wants to swap the quota for inshore species like crayfish and paua.

His cousin Dennis Solomon, a retired commercial fisher, says Moriori have done well out of the deepwater asset, and concentrating on the inshore would expose it to major risk.

"If there is ever and it always happens, a bad season, the fishing boats catch their own quota first and then they go to the likes of Hokotehi Trust and other quota owners and fish theirs' then. If down the track we have to catch it ourselves, it means big investment in boats and believe me I know what it costs for a boat. I've had two or three of them myself," he says.

Dennis Solomon says Hokotehi Moriori Trust Board is really just looking for cash to rescue some bad property deals ... and it's not too late for beneficiaries to change their votes.


All Black coach Graeme Henry may have got Richard Kahui at the right time.

The talented midfielder will start in the tri-nations test against Australia in Sydney tomorrow night.

Te Arahi Maipi, the sports anchor at Maori Television, says Kahui missed last year's World Cup because of injury.

But his try in the All Blacks' 44-12 win over England in June shows the Tokoroa-born midfielder is in good form.

"For the last couple of years people have seen a lot of talent in this guy. He plays to a system, but he still has that individual flair that I guess all supporters are craving to see, so fantastic to see the opportunity has come up and it is a big stage," Te Arahi Maipi.

A woman who almost got sacked as a post office toll operator for greeting callers with a cheery kia ora may be heading for Parliament ... if the Maori Party greatly increases its list vote.

Kua whakaingoatia a Naida Glavish the tuarua o nga mema i runga i te rarangi o te Paati Maori.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Moriori quota sale seen as betrayal

The proposed sale of Moriori fishing quota is being seen as a betrayal of rest of Maoridom.

The Hokotehi Moriori Trust Board is trying to get the support of beneficiaries to sell the deepwater quota is got as part of its share of fisheries settlement assets.

Dennis Solomon, a former board member, says Moriori have made millions of dollars over the years from on-leasing the quota it got from Te Ohu Kaimoana.

He says Chatham Islands iwi including Moriori won support from other tribes for a larger share of the settlement because of their special circumstances and isolation from mainland New Zealand.

"They voted unanimously. There wasn't one of them, we're talking 79 tribes here, it's a pretty bloody good record, there wasn't one voted against it, and here we are the first ones to bloody sell it. To me it's not about money, it's about mana, it's about our tikanga, and it's about our taonga being sold,' Mr Solomon says.

The Hokotehi Moriori Trust Board says it's selling the deepwater quota to reinvest in inshore species like crayfish and paua, but Dennis Solomon says the board has got itself into financial difficulty through property purchases.
A Maori organ recipient says Maori need to get past cultural barriers that keep them from donating organs.

Shane Rameka received a kidney in 2003 after years of dialysis.

He says in the past five years only 10 Maori have donated organs, which means it's hard for the many Maori on transplant waiting lists to find a suitable match.

Mr Rameka says he's listed himself as a donor, but many Maori he talks to can't get their heads around either donating or receiving organs.

"A lot of them come across to me like they don't want to do it, like that. I'm standing there full of life, you can actually see they're not well, and I told them that was what I was like four years ago and now look at me. But they seem to think its hard," Mr Rameka says.

The 550 people still waiting for a kidney transplant include his wife.

The Minister of Maori Affairs says new Maori language resources will bring non-Maori speakers closer to the country's indigenous language.

No tenei wiki ano i whakarewahia ki runga ipurangi te I-Papakupu me te Google Maori hei rauemi awhina i nga mahi whakaako i te reo Maori.


John Key has high hopes for National's Mana candidate.

Hekia Parata launched her campaign in the electorate last night.

The consultant and former Te Puni Kokiri policy manager and Maori consultant almost got to Parliament in 2002, when she was number 15 on National's list, but she later spoke out against Don Brash's Orewa speech and did not run in 2005.

Mr Key says Ms Parata is well positioned for life as a National MP.

"She's intelligent. She's articulate. She's confident. She's a real class act and this lady's had a glittering career in the public service, been in Foreign Affairs and Housing and TPK, she's a lovely person and she's going to do well. I'm very keen to see she can get into Parliament. I think she can play a tremendous role," he says.

Mr Key says National has assembled a slate of talented Maori candidates, including Paul Quinn in Upper Hutt, Mita Harris in Mangere and Simon Bridges in Tauranga.

Casting is underway for a film on the life of Georgina Beyer, the worlds first transsexual MP.

Since retiring from politics the former mayor of Carterton has run anti-violence programmes in the Wairarapa.

The film, with a working title of Girl, is being produced by Australian-based kiwi Roger Simpson and Sally Newman.

Shooting starts next year and the hunt is on for actors to portray her life.

"I'm not interested, and nor are they, on going down the Hollywood hottie track. There may have to be a couple of actors to play me, of course, and they're likely to be Kiwis I expect. Roger has been over here looking at Peter Jackson's facilities in Wellington and the odd person has been brought to their attention for consideration," Georgina Beyer says.

Kia whanui ake te titiro a te motu mo te kaupapa o tenei wiki o te reo Maori.

The presenter of Maori Television's Tau Ke!, Robyn-Leigh Emery, is encouraging tamariki should speak Maori everywhere ... not just at kura or in their kainga.

I teera tau i whakarewahia te kopae 'Tau Ke - Waiata 10' mo te roopu kohungahunga, tamariki hoki katoatia i roto i te reo Maori.

Robyn-Leigh Emery is working on a new album of te reo Maori songs, that will come with accompanying videos.

Maori culture country's top asset

A Maori academic says it should be recognised during Maori Language Week that Maori culture is New Zealand's most appealing asset.

Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi lecturer Tamati Waaaka says it's the uniqueness of Maori that draws people to our land.

Kua taka enei korero mai i a Tamati Waaka, kaipapaaho Maori mo nga tumomo ahuatanga e haere ana i waenganui ia tatou te hunga o Aotearoa.

The co-author of an award winning book on the Maori history of the top of the South Island says non Maori are keen to learn more of the country's early history.

Dr John Mitchell  says non-Maori intrigued by the region's rich history of Maori occupation bought a high percentage of the first volume of his history Te Tau Ihu o te Waka, and he expects the same with volume two, Te Ara Hou- the New Society.

"We are getting asked more and more to contribute to things like interpretative panels, information boards that are being erected around the province as organisations like local authorities, the Department of Conservation put up panels explaining the landscape, the local stories. That's quite encouraging," Dr Mitchell says.

Te Tau Ihu o te Waka: Te Ara Hou - The New Society by John and Hilary Mitchell won the history section of the Montana Book Awards earlier this week.

The Green Party says its disabilities policy released earlier this week would provide considerable benefits for Maori living with disabilities.

Spokesperson Meteria Turei says a recent survey found 40 percent of Maori children had not had sight or hearing tests which lead to children sitting at the back of the class not really knowing what was going on.

She says the failure to identify disabilities early results in behavioural problems and down the line Maori being over-represented in suspensions and expulsion statistics.

"That just leads on to poor employment and other social issues later on, so if you set up a system so the whanau, right at the first point, is getting the proper assistance they need, whether they have moderate needs like vision or hearing issue or whether they've got more serious needs, we can protect that whanau all the way through," Ms Turei says.

A row is brewing on the Chatham Islands over the sale of deep sea fishing quota allocated as part of the Moriori treaty settlement.

Maui Solomon, the vice chairman of the Hoketihi Moriori trust board says the board is holding a postal ballot which closes early next month to approve the sale.

"We see long term that the deepwater quota is an eroding asset, you've just got to look at what's happened in the north Atlantic with the fisheries out there. We don't have any control of the deepwater fisheries. We don't fish it ourselves, it's just on lease. So we're looking to rationalise our asset base and replace deepwater assets with inshore quotas like crayfish and paua. It's all part of our strategic development plan," Mr Solomon says.

However Dennis Solomon, a former trust board member representing a whanau group on Rekohu, is calling on Moriori to oppose the sale, which needs 75 percent support to go ahead.

Maori internet users are now able to search the web in Te Reo... with Google launching a Maori language option in Rotorua yesterday.

Potaua Biasiny-Tule and his wife Nikolasa headed a team of volunteers who spent 15 months translating the 8000 words needed to run the search option in te reo.

He says the American-owned IT giant was open to the idea of a Maori option but it needed a lot of hard work from many people.

"They provide all language users the basic template. They've got the list of what you have to translate. They say here you are, go ahead, and it wasn't until we got close to completion that some of the higher ups got involved," Mr Biasiny-Tule says.
Speaking Te Reo Maori is not only fun but practical too according to a television broadcaster.

Ahakoa te kaupapa kua whakatakotohia mo tenei wiki o te reo Maori, te korero i roto i te kainga, ka taea hoki tenei ahuatanga ki waahi kee.

Lanita Ririnui, the producer of TVNZ's Rangatahi show I AM TV, says using Te Reo Maori is always beautiful.

"I like using Maori in public because not only should other people hear it spoken well and pronounced properly, it's fabulous when you've got your kids out there and you need to give them that little touch of whakarongo mai, and it's sounds fabulous and people don't understand that you are just pulling them line because when you pull kids in line in te reo, it's still lovely," says Ms Ririnui, a mother of two.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Mana of te reo boosted by week

For those who don't speak Te Reo Maori, Maori Language week is a good start.

For those who do, the Mana of the language should be nurtured.

Ko ta te korero mai i a maatanga reo maaori o te maunga whakahii o Taranaki a Taakuta Huirangi Waikerepuru.

Dr Waikerepuru, of Taranaki and Ngapuhi descent, says embracing the depths of Te Reo Maori should be paramount.

The living room, the dining table, the kitchen, and the bedroom are all key battlegrounds in the fight to revitalise te reo Maori.

This Maori language week the focus is on "Te Reo i te Kainga - Maori Language in the Home"

Huhana Roxx from the Maori Language Commission says it has prepared resources to encourage parents and children to use Maori in the home... including labels for parts of the house... and instructions on how to play a card game in te reo.

She says research shows that using a language at home is the key to its long-term survival.

"According to Joshua Fishman, who's a world expert linguist, if you haven't actually got got your language operating in the home between the generations in the family, you can't actually call it a living language," Ms Rokx says.

The Green Party is concerned an Immigration Bill proceeding in Parliament could represent a return to the era of dawn raids..

Maori affairs spokesperson Meteria Turei says many Maori are concerned immigration will lead to a loss of jobs, but she feels wider issues need to be considered.

"Especially for Maori, because we have so little to do with the immigration policy and the settings for it, by just giving more powers to the police and to Customs to check people and to force them out, it's not the way the country should be run," Ms Turei says.


A pioneer in breaking down barriers to the use of the Maori language says reflecting on milestones in the renaissance of Te Reo Maori is an important part of Maori Language week.

Ngati Porou kaumatua, Koro Dewes who in 1972 submitted the first Masters thesis totally in Te Reo Maori with no English translation says the idea was prompted by his frustration at the attitudes of then colleagues at Victoria University.

Haangai ana nga korero o roto i tona tuhinga tiketike ki te kaitito a Henare Waitoa mai i nga tau 1930 [kotahi mano iwa rau toru tekau] ki nga tau 1950 [kotahi mano iwa rau rima tekau].

Koro Dewes received an honorary doctorate from Victoria University in 2004.

A prominent Maori political commentator is not surprised to see polls showing a narrowing of the support gap between Labour and the Maori Party.

Rawiri Taonui, the head of Maori and Indigenous Studies at Canterbury University, says whereas a Marae Digipoll in March showed the Maori Party winning all the Maori seats by huge margins, a recent poll showed a considerable closing of the gap as reaction to October's Urewera terror raids wears off.

"If you look at the issues that concern Maori, they are becoming increasingly concerned about the economy, rising prices, inflation and those sorts of issues and in fact are becoming less concerned about Treaty issues," Mr Taonui says.

Another big issue is that Treaty settlements such as the half billion dollar settlement in the central North Island are getting traction with Maori voters.

The regional manager of Netball Counties Manukau says Temepara George will be an inspiration to a new genaration of players.

The former Silver fern and Maori Sportswoman of the Year confirmed today that she will play again next year, and will mentor young netballers in the region where she grew up.

Nicole Terrill says the talented netballer and dancer who debuted for the Silver Ferns in 1996 is a popular figure in Counties Manukau.

"She comes from the region. She started her netball at seven hears old in the local Mangere Netball Centre carpark so she's coming home really. We hope it's going to lift the numbers in our development programmes and keep our players playing netball in the Counties Manukau region," Ms Terrill says.

Maori online dictionary live

The launch of the Maori Language Commission's 'I-Papakupu' will give historic meanings for new terms restoring some native components of Te Reo Maori.

Hei ta kaipapaho Julian Wilcox, ko tera ano he painga o tenei rauemi mo te hunga e whakaako ana i te reo, ahakoa te reanga.

The I-Papakupu is online at korero.maori.nz


The Maori Party want the government to get out of the way and let Maori take control of the language strategy.

Te Ururoa Flavell, the party's broadcasting spokesperson, says the revitalisation of te reo was driven by Maori, and every advance was a result of litigation, rather than the largesse of the Crown.

He says it's time for Maori to have greater control of the key institutions that drive te reo forward: the Maori language commission Te Taura Whiri and broadcast funder Te Mangai Paho.

“We're big enough and strong enough and knowlegable enough now to look after the issues of accountability. Our people have a track record of being able to run our own businesses,” Mr Flavell says.


New Zealand first leader Winston Peters has received resounding support from fellow Maori MP Dover Samuels over his receipt of donations.

The Labour list MP says the Foreign Affairs Minister is doing a good job on behalf of the people of New Zealand.

“Very clearly there’s a political agenda by the major newspapers, especially The Herald against the Honorable Winston Peters,” Mr Samuels says.

He says Mr Peters has been singled out for a major hatchet job by overseas owned newspapers which do not have an interest in the social, economic and cultural fabric of New Zealand but want to exploit the people with the political agenda of getting National elected.


One word a day, one sentence a week... that's the easiest way for tauiwi to learn te reo Maori... according to Gisborne Mayor Meng Foon.

Koia tera te koromatua o Turanga-nui-Kiwa, na nga tangata kaihoko o te toa huawhenua a ona maatua ia i whakaako ai te reo Maori.

Hei taana na te hianga ka hua ake te reo.


What do Maori, Elmer Fudd, Klingon and the Swedish Chef have in common?

They all have their own language option on Internet search engine Google.

Poutaua Biasiny-Tule, who with his wife, Nikolasa headed a team of volunteers which took a Google template and created the reo option, says it took 15 months, 40 translators, 1600 terms, 8000 words ... but it will all be worth it when the page goes live with a launch in Rotorua today.

“Lots of people have been working, getting the initial translations and then reviewing and moderating to see it fits first with the group, back and forth, back and forth. Lots of new words to translate, lots of new concepts, but also just bringing what we already have to the table,” Mr Biasiny-Tule says.

“For us it was just good to keep the language relevant to a younger generation. Of course Google’s the biggest search engine. We already use the tool so it’s just how to gain ownership and how to get a lot of our rangatahi more comfortable with using it.

Tongans already have their own Google option, and a New Zealand-based whanau is keen to set up a Samoan version.


Call them reo nazis if you want, but the head of Te Taura Whiri says quality control is an important part of the Maori Language Commission's role.

Huhana Rokx, the commission's chief executive, says about 200,000 Kiwis use some Maori language in conversation and about 30,000 of those are non-Maori.

She says while increasing the numbers of speakers is important and welcomed by Te Taura Whiri it's also crucial to retain the integrity of the language.

“Kia mauri tonu te reo. As much as we move forward in the future we need to be mindful that in that future there will probably come a day when more non-Maori than Maori will be speaking our language, so the changes in that will be huge again. So what we’re trying to recapture is the history of that language and take that into that future,” Ms Rokx says.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Donation row won't affect core Peters support

A former Labour MP says Winston Peters will bounce back from the revelation he did benefit from a donation from expatriate trucking magnate Owen Glenn.

The $100,000 was not paid to New Zealand First, but was solicited by lawyer Brian Henry for the costs of a challenge to Bob Clarkson's 2005 win in Tauranga.

Mr Henry says because of media revelations last week he broke his longstanding policy of keeping the source of such donations secret, and informed the New Zealand First leader last Friday.

Mr Tamihere says the incident won't hurt Mr Peters' core support.

“He's a bit like the Greens and the Maori Party. They don’t need 80 percent of New Zealanders to love them and respect them and vote for them. They only need 5 percent so they don’t even need one out of 10, a half a person out of 10, that’s the way the numbers work. I’ve every belief that he will come up in this election and come back from this, no problem,” Mr Tamihere says.

He says the New Zealand First leader handled the matter badly, and should have admitted he's only as good as his advice.


This year's Olympic team has a distinct Maori flavour, but one code is taking things even further.

The Black Sticks have a core group of Maori players, who are hoping to improve on the team's sixth placing at Athens in 2004.

Caryn Paewai of Ngati Kahungunu says Maori hockey players benefit from the tough competition they get at the national Maori competition each Labour Weekend.

She says the use of Maori culture within the Olympic camp is a great way to pull the team together.

“In our Blacksticks team we have songs we all sing together, waiata we sing to people to say thank you, and now that’s part of our culture to do that that kind of stuff,” Paewai says.

New Zealand has a tough start in Beijing, with Argentina, Germany, Japan, Great Britain and the United States in the same pool.


Maori Language Week's theme of speaking in the home is reaffirmed by the release of Tatai Korere, a DVD celebrating positive Maori parenting.

Ko nga kohikohinga korero enei o etahi maatua Maori me o ratou whakaaro e pa ana ki te whakapapa, whanau, waiata hoki hei ahuatanga whangai i nga hinengaro o a ratou tamariki.

The project was a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Social Development, Te Manatu Whakahiato Ora and the Ministry of education, Te Tahuhu o te Matauranga.


The judge for the first Maori language prize at the Montana New Zealand book awards says the winner is a landmark for Te Reo Maori.

Hei ta Hone Apanui, ahakoa kua whakarewahia tenei tohu i te wiki o te reo Maori me whakanuia to tatou reo rangatira i nga wiki katoa o te tau.

Hone Apanui describes the authors of the short story collection Piripi Walker and Huriana Raven as skilled and articulate, both contemporary and historic.


Former MP John Tamihere says the battle to recognise and fund the revival of the language has largely been won.

John Tamihere who helped drive through the legislation setting up Maori Television says there are kohanga and kura graduates now entering the workforce with Maori language now being used in a number of settings.

He cites the choir from Hato Petera collage singing a hymn in Maori in Sydney during the Pope's visit as a prime example of the public profile of Maori.

“We are the voice, the face and the sound, the definition of what it is to be a New Zealander. In large part that battle’s been won. It’s where we take it. It’s how we add value to that,” Mr Tamihere says.

The Te Whanau o Waipaeira Trust chief executive says Maori could take some cues on using language in new medium from their Pacific Island cousins who are leading the way in music and humour.


The haka will definitely be on display in Beijing.

Amster Reedy, who will be in China as a cultural advisor with the Kiwi Olympic team says the feedback they've had from athletes who were in Athens and Melbourne is that they want the focus on tikanga Maori to continue.

The Ngati Porou expert on tikanga rejects accusations that the haka was overdone.

Mr Reedy says he'll be guided by what the athletes need... not by criticism from Australians who hosted the Commonwealth Games

“So who are the Aussies to talk about the haka, and by that time in the games we were all so sick of hearing ‘Aussie Aussie oi oi oi,’” Mr Reedy says.

Long term strategy for violence

The head of Women's Refuge says the ongoing success of Maori language week sets an example for her organisation in changing social attitudes.

Heather Henare says she doesn't want to minimise the impact of violence in the home, but there are parallels in the journey to revitalise te reo Maori.

She says the public response to stories involving high profile broadcasters Tony Veitch and Derek Fox shows attitudes are changing, but it's still a long struggle.

“Twenty years ago you hardly heard anyone speaking Maori language. Now you hear everyone speaking. I think it’s going to be a bit like that. It’s going to take a groundswell of commitment from the bottom where we say this violence is not OK and start addressing it across the board, and eventually our children’s children will be experiencing non-violent parenting and non-violent relationships,” Ms Henare says.


The Minister of Maori Affairs has paid homage to those who continue to support Maori language week.

Hai taa Parekura Horomia...he mea miiharo te maha o nga roopu aa iwi, aa haapori, aa rohe, kei te tuu pena i runga i to ratou piripono ki te reo taketake o tenei whenua:


The Greens say they'll fight any attempt by a National government to introduce work for the dole.

National leader John Key and senior colleagues met with a group which delivers the scheme in several states in Australia, but Mr Key is refusing to confirm whether it will be his party's policy going into the election.

Green MP Sue Bradford, a former head of the Unemployed Workers Union, says Maori are more likely to be affected by work for the dole, because their unemployment rates are higher.

“We think it's iniquitous that anyone should be required to work for less than the adult minimum wage, currently $12 an hour. Working for the dole would mean working for a hell of a lot less than that. Also if you have a job it should be a proper job and you should have a right to join a trade union if you want to. Work for the dole schemes tend not to operate along those lines,” Ms Bradford says.

Labour has also rejected work for the dole, after its analysis of a similar scheme under the previous National government found people on it were less likely to migrate to permanent jobs.


The backs of buses are usually used to promote the latest blockbuster movie... but a kura in Tauranga has found a different use for the space.

The bus carrying tauira to Te Kura Kaupapa o Maori o Otepou now feature Maori language phrases text messaging style.

Paul Stanley, the chair the Ngaiterangi Iwi Runanga, says that means Waikato is spelt out as a question mark, followed by the letters K A T and O.

“It brings a bit of fun into it and it also reinforces te reo today with present day technology,” Mr Stanley says.

The runanga will keep the promotion running with different text messages for the rest of the year.


The chairperson of the Ngati Porou Runanga, Api Mahuika says many New Zealanders are still coming to terms with biculturalism.

He says people still try to hide behind the rhetoric of multiculturalism to avoid a relationship with tangata whenua.

Hai taana, ko te ahua nei kei te aronui kee te motu ki nga take huhua a nga iwi katoa, ahakoa manene, ahakoa Maori, ahakoa Paakeha i te waa kotahi, ma te tikanga kotahi:

Monday, July 21, 2008

Fox squeaks ahead in poll

The Maori Party's Ikaroa Rawhiti candidate is expecting a tough battle, despite a poll showing him in the lead.

A Digipoll survey for TV One's Marae programme put Derek Fox at 47.1 percent support against 45.6 percent for Labour's Parekura Horomia.

Mr Fox was picking up a higher level of support during the early part of the survey period, before a weekly newspaper revealed incidents of domestic violence against former partners.

He says it's a good wake-up at this stage in his campaign against Mr Horomia.

“Don't forget he's been elected three times by this electorate and he is in the Government, he is a minister, and the Government is fighting hard to capture Maori voters and I guess we need to know this is going to be a difficult battle,” Mr Fox says.

The poll also showed the Maori Party's two vote campaign could also hurt the government, with only 42 percent willing to give their party vote to Labour, compared with 58 percent last election.


A veteran Maori broadcaster says speakers of te reo needn't be too precious about transliterations.

There's been considerable debate over the years about whether English words can be bent to serve Maori ends, or if a word in te reo can be updated.

Kingi Ihaka has been listening to a lot of archival material, and says it reminds him of the way the language is always changing.

“In my parents' day, a waka was only something that traveled on water, a canoe. A car was a motoka. There was a lot of transliteration, which seems pretty much a no no these days with a lot of broadcasters. I don’t see too much wrong with it although in broadcasting terms I think it is important that we are accurate in our delivery of the proper Maori word, as opposed to transliteration,” Mr Ihaka says.

He says while a new generation of fluent speakers is emerging, older native speakers sometimes find their style unrecognisable.


A former Maori Language Commission head says home is the place te reo Maori really needs to be used.

Reo in the Home is this year's Maori Language week theme, and Haami Piripi, who now chairs Kaitiaia-based Te Runanga o Te Rarawa, says it's a sound strategy.

He says there's evidence language revival strategies are working, but more work is needed to guarantee long term survival.

“I notice now on marae there are lot more younger speakers speaking a better level of language and a better ability to utilise language in the context of community development so that’s improving. Now we’ve got to get language spoken in the home as an ordinary everyday language of use. Without that it’ll just be an academic language,” Mr Piripi says.


A Maori language commissioner says it's time for all New Zealanders to focus on the growing the use of te reo Maori.

Hei taa Ruakere Hond o Taranaki, horekau he kaupapa koni atu i te whakatairanga i te reo i tenei wiki.


The chief executive of Women's Refuge says domestic violence shouldn't be a life sentence.

Heather Henare says it's up to the voters of Ikaroa Rawhiti to decide if Maori Party candidate Derek Fox has truly left behind his violent past.

According to a Digipoll survey done for TV One's Marae programme, support for the veteran broadcaster dropped after he confirmed a weekly newspaper story that he had been violent towards former partners more than a decade ago ... but he still polled slightly higher than Labour's Parekura Horomia.

Ms Henare says Refuge wants men to take responsibility for their abusive behaviour and take steps to change it.

“If what he said was right and he did take himself to the police, he did take responsibility that there hasn’t been any further incidents, then, so be it. He’s done what he needed to do, he’s taken some responsibility, and hopefully from that he learnt,” Ms Henare says.


Local Government is being challenged to increase use of te reo Maori as a way to improve relationships with iwi.

Haami Piripi, the chair of Kaitaia-based Te Runanga o Te Rarawa, says councils have paid little regard to the Maori language, despite its importance to many of their ratepayers.

He says Maori would respond positively.

“They only do what they need to do to conduct their business. I don’t think there’s any emphasis ion the language for the language’s sake, or the people’s sake even. If they were able to utilize the language more they would be able to engage with our people more and we’d be much more effective at local government level so there’s a lot of work to be done there by local government,” Mr Piripi says.


The theme of Maori language week is Maori Language in the Home, and Waikato University's professor of reo and tikanga says it's a reminder te reo shouldn't be confined to formal situations.

Hai taa Pou Temara o Ngai Tuhoe...kaua e waiho to tatou reo hai reo o te paepae, hai reo o te taumata.

“Nga te koreoro tonu ne mau te reo Maori nei he puawai te reo Maori ki te ngakau o tena o tena o te ngakau hoki o te iwi,” Mr Temara says.

Maori language week in train

The Minister of Maori Affairs will be at Wellington Railway Station about now to launch Maori language week.

Parekura Horomia says he's encouraged by the efforts many government agencies are making to promote te reo Maori and use Maori greetings.

The Ikaroa Rawhiti MP says the week is still an effective tool to raise awareness about New Zealand's indigenous language, which is why he's joining language promotion agencies at the station to welcome consumers.


The Maori Party met in Hastings over the weekend to set its strategy for this year's election.

Co-leader Pita Sharples says the challenges it faces are different than in 2005.

He says then the party was capturing the support of Maori voters upset at the way Labour handled the foreshore and seabed issue, but this time it's got its record in Parliament to build on.

“People see we're not a one issue party. We actually cover all issues in New Zealand, whether it’s tax relief, land claims, settlements, all those things, so in some ways we’ve established a level of credibility amongst the community at large, not just amongst Maori, so that’s an advantage we didn't have last time,” Dr Sharples says.


A far north marae will finally start looking like a marae and not a school hall.

Te Paatu, near Kaitaia, was built in the 1950s on the model of a community hall, rather than a wharenui.

Lisa McNab, the chair of the marae committee, says that forced compromises in the way hui and tangi are run.

She says a $160-thousand grant from the ASB Trust will allow a redesign of the core hall.

“Part of the redevelopment, refurbishment has been the addition of a porch area, the atamira is specifically for our tupapaku as opposed to a community hall that had a stage where talent quests were held on,” Ms McNab says.

The refurbishment will also include a new wharekai and an ablution block.


A Maori unionist says too many Maori heading across the Tasman are not signing up to unions.

Helen Te Hira from the Council of Trade Unions says an official from the Australian Construction, Forestry, Engineering and Mining Union was in the country last week to share experiences.

He was positive about the indigenous edge Maori members are bringing to his union, but there aren't enough of them.

“He's concerned that there are many Maori going over there into these industries who aren’t joining up, who don’t realize that the working conditions in Australia that they’re enjoying have been fought for and won by Australian workers who were organized,” Ms Te Hira says.

The unions have helped Maori members with things like setting up te reo Maori classes so they can hang onto their culture in a foreign land.


The print version won't be out until September, but Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori is marking Maori language week by launching the electronic version of a new monolingual dictionary.

Erima Henare, the Maori language commissioner, says it's been a major collaborative effort

“The dictionary has been done by a large group of linguists around the country. Te Taura Whiri’s role was to coordinate the whole process from beginning to end. It has had a whole lot of input from key Maori linguists and academics from around the country to ensure that both the electronic version and the hard copy are of the highest standard,” he says.

Mr Henare says the dictionary will be available to Maori speakers wherever they are in the world - which is why tonight's launch at Te Papa includes a link to Ngati Ranana in London.


Another book due in September which many Maori will want to read is a celebration of 100 years of Maori league.

Howie Tamati, a former coach and captain of the Kiwis and now the chair of New Zealand Maori Rugby League, has seen a draft copy.

He says league historians John Coffey and Bernie Wood have done a great job recording Maori participation at all levels, from playing to administration and coaching,” Mr Tamati says.


Maori bibliophiles will also be waiting to hear the winners of the Montana New Zealand Book Awards tonight.

The reclusive Alice Tawhai is in the final of the fiction section with her novel Luminous, while Hilary and John Mitchell are in with a chance in the history section with the second volume of their massive study of Te tau ihu o Te Waka.

Ngahuia Te Awekotuku's Mau Moko is a contender in the non-fiction section.

There's also an award for the best book in te reo Maori.

The winners will be announced at the ceremony tonight at the Wellington Town Hall